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Kerala Solid Waste Management Project (KSWMP), a pioneer project in the field of solid waste management in India comprises a combination of technical and financial assistance to the participating ULB’s (Urban Local Bodies) and the state government to improve their institutional and organizational capabilities and strengthen the infrastructure for solid waste management (SWM). The project will provide technical assistance and incentive grants to ULBs for undertaking key institutional reforms critical to strengthening the ULB’s capacity and investments in projects across the upstream and downstream value chain activities enhancing the SWM services.

The Government of Kerala (GoK) intends to utilize financial support from the World Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to strengthen the institutional and service delivery systems for Solid Waste Management (SWM) services in select urban areas (93 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)) in Kerala through Kerala Solid Waste Management Project (KSWMP).

The project will support a hybrid approach comprising of decentralized and centralized waste management systems. At the decentralized level, participating ULBs will have a lead role in delivering SWM services including generator level waste segregation and treatment, primary collection and transportation, waste processing and recycling. Owing to the demographic and geographic profile of the state, characterized by closely located medium and small-sized ULBs and peri-urban areas with high population density, the project will also support a regional approach for SWM and disposal.

In addition to strengthening ULBs capacities through a comprehensive Technical Assistance (TA) program, collaboration and systems integrations between the state, local governments, and communities will be supported by the project. The project will adopt a mix of preventive and responsive to address the mismanaged plastic waste problem in urban areas (particularly in ULBs along the coastline or adjacent to water bodies) as part of municipal solid waste.

The project plan outlay is six years (2021-27).

The total cost of the project is USD300 million (approximately Rs. 2200 crore). Of this, USD105 million is from the World Bank and USD105 million is from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The remaining USD90 million is from the state government. It was also decided to provide additional financial assistance to the Municipal Councils of Kerala in addition to the budget allocation for the project approved by the Government.

With the implementation of the project, each household and institution under the jurisdiction of 93 local bodies including 87 municipalities and 6 corporations in Kerala will become the beneficiaries of the scheme. This will enable the collection and scientific disposal of all types of waste including bio-inorganic wastes, C&D wastes generated by construction and demolition.

The project will help the state in establishing a comprehensive 360 degree solid waste management solution. The project will support the urban local bodies in their multiple activities from top to bottom which include expansion of solid waste collection services, development of waste recycling and management facilities, land remediation, closure of existing dumpsites, development of scientific landfills, and others.

How this project stands out?

  • Comprehensive Waste Management Master Plan for all Local Bodies Decentralized- Centralized waste treatment systems
  • Door-to-door service for waste collection in all homes and establishments
  • Recycling Park, the first of its kind in the state to ensure reuse and recycling
  • Public-private-unofficial systems in the field of waste management under one umbrella
  • Sanitary landfill system
  • District / State Level Control Room
  • Timely revision of laws and regulations to ensure comprehensive change
  • 50000 new job opportunities in the state
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